How do you choose a shotgun ?

The choice of your hunting rifle is decisive for the practice of your passion. A shotgun is more than a tool, it’s an extension of your arms, a true hunting companion. So which shotgun should you choose? There’s no one-size-fits-all shotgun model that will suit everyone: you need to choose the one that’s right for you. Your hunting habits, your shooting methods and your preferences. Here are the main criteria you need to take into account to find the rifle that’s right for you.

Which gun for which hunt?

Shotguns are ideal for hunting small game. Shotguns are multi-projectile weapons designed to fire at moving targets at close range. This is in contrast to rifles, which are single-shot weapons designed for precision shooting, more suited to hunting large game, for example.

The most popular types of hunting include :

Hunting in front of you or Billebaude hunting :  this method of hunting best represents the love of hunting and nature. This method involves strolling at your own pace with your dog, admiring its work in search of game.

Pointing dog hunting : the pointing dog is responsible for detecting the presence of game for the hunter: by stopping, the hunter knows that the dog has spotted prey.

Driven beat for small game  : this is a group hunting method that allows the trackers to drive the game back towards the posted shooters. It is practised in 2 ways: without dogs (a little-used variant known as silent pushing) or with dogs. This is known as hound hunting: the hounds sniff out the game and, barking, drive it towards the hunters.

Wildfowl Pass Shooting : pass shooting is a form of hunting that respects the principle of stalking. It is mainly practised in the morning (when the birds have landed on the water) or in the evening (when the birds land again on the water).

There’s no doubt that small game hunting is an active sport: you cover a lot of ground and shoot very little. So you need a light weapon that doesn’t increase fatigue (less than 3kg).

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Types of shotgun

There are several categories of shotgun: single-barrelled single-shot shotguns, double-barrelled side-by-side or stacked shotguns, and semi-automatic shotguns.

Side-by-side shotguns

The side-by-side rifle is a weapon with tilting barrels: to reload a cartridge, the barrel tilts forward. The side-by-side shotgun has 2 barrels assembled horizontally side by side.

Over-and-Under Shotgun

The over-and-Under Shotgun is a rifle in which the two barrels are one above the other. Like the side-by-side rifle, this rifle is also a tilting-barrel weapon. Proof that the over-and-under is suitable for small game? Most often, the first barrel fired is the lower one for a close target, then the second shot is fired from the upper barrel, suitable for shooting at a moving target, such as a bird in flight.

The semi-automatic rifle

A semi-automatic rifle fires 3 shots. The first round is loaded manually. Then, for the next 2 shots, the ammunition is automatically chambered in the barrel using the energy produced by the previous shot via an inertia system or gas loan. Each time the trigger is pulled, a new shot is fired. Semi-automatic rifles generally have less refined finishes and are less elaborate than tilting weapons. But they are affordable because they are inexpensive and generally light and fairly reliable for quality models.

What features should I choose for my shotgun?

Every part of a shotgun has its own particular characteristics. Weight, stock and barrel all influence the grip, balance and comfort you feel when shooting.

  • Weight: the lighter the shotgun, the easier it is to hold and shoot. On the other hand, recoil will be greater.
  • Stock: for optimum shooting, you need to choose a stock that allows you to shoulder the gun intuitively. Your sense and your technique are the 2 points to take into account.
  • The barrel : a short barrel makes for easier handling and close-range shooting, while a long barrel makes for easier aiming and long-distance shooting. It should also be suited to your body shape and posture.
  • The fineness of the barrel: the better it fits your grip, the more comfortable you’ll feel when shooting. Your height and shooting technique are also important factors.

Compliance, regulations and hunting licences

Compliance upgrade

Compliance is the process of adjusting a gun to the shooter’s specifications. It is carried out by a gunsmith. It is optional, but provides undeniable comfort.The gunsmith adjusts several aspects of the gun to suit the shooter’s morphology: the length of the stock, the slope of the stock and the average lateral offset, commonly known as the stock advantage.


To be authorised to hold a category C firearm, such as a rifle, you need to hold a hunting licence with annual validation or a shooting licence.
Your weapon must be registered with the prefecture and kept at home in accordance with specific rules, such as the obligation to keep weapons and ammunition separate.

Hunting licences

In France, a hunting licence is compulsory for all types and methods of hunting. To obtain a hunting licence, you must first undergo theoretical and practical training. Once the training has been completed, you can sit the hunting licence examination. To validate your licence, you need to score more than 25 points out of 31. To find out all you need to know about hunting licences, visit the National Hunting Federation website.

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